Preparing for your advising appointment makes the time you spend with your advisor much more productive. Your advisor may ask you to do some specific things but here are some tips to be prepared for the appointment.
- Log into and review your DegreeWorks, including the Notes section at the bottom. Make sure your intended major is correct. If you see a long list of Integrative Learning Experience themes and science options, you need to select your themes in AppalNet Self-Service. You may want to review the Gen Ed requirements first. You can do this in the PREP course in AsULearn.
- Review the Program of Study for your major.
- Look at the Four Year Guide for your major.
- Look at the departmental website for your major.
- If you are undecided about a major, review the list of Undergraduate Majors and use the Explore Majors and Careers website.
- Finally, make a list of 5-7 classes that you want to take next semester.