Math Placement

You must take the Math Placement test if you have scored less than 550 on your SAT Math test or less than 22 on your ACT Math test.

SAT or ACT scores: If you are being prompted to take this test on your Enrollment Checklist (or if you need to meet a math prerequisite for a class like Chemistry), we may not have verified test scores for you. Students have the option to download their official score report for ACT and/or SAT. These downloadable score reports may be emailed to to be added to your application.

AP/IB Credit: You DO NOT need to take the test if Appalachian has awarded you AP math or statistics credit (check DegreeWorks to be sure). If you are hoping for AP or IB credit for a recent math or statistics exam, go ahead and take the Math Placement Test so that you can register for most math and statistics courses now and adjust your schedule later - if needed - once your score(s) has been received. How  to send your AP or IB score report to Appalachian.

Transfer Credit: You DO NOT need to take the test if Appalachian has awarded you 3 or more hours of college-level transfer math or statistics credit (check DegreeWorks to be sure). Pending credit is also acceptable, but the transfer course must be added to your record as a Course in Progress

Math Placement Test Instructions

To take the Math Placement test, you will need to use your App State username and password to log in to AsULearn Projects, App State's virtual classroom space. Select "Enroll Me" to self-enroll in the course. You are allowed to take this test only once.

Once you have completed the placement test, please allow several hours for your score to process in our student information system. You will NOT be able to register for a math class until your score processes.

Sample Questions and Answers 

Using Placement Scores to Select a MAT/STT Course

After receiving your scores from the Math Placement test, use our Math Guide to help you choose the appropriate math course.

  • Please pay particular attention to your math pathway based on your intended major.
  • If you only need MAT 1010 for your intended major, you can enroll directly in MAT 1010 regardless of your placement test score.

Technical Assistance

If you have problems accessing the placement test, please contact