Last-half of term course offerings are limited (mostly Physical Education and University Studies courses), but they can be a good option if you need to add an extra hour or two to your schedule. These can be added along with full-term and first-half of term classes during registration and schedule adjustment periods, but last-half of term classes can be added up until the day after these classes start (around the eighth week of the semester).
To search and register for last half of term classes, use the Advanced Search link on the Search for Classes screen in Student Self-Service under the Find Classes tab.
Log into AppalNet Self-Service and click on the Register for Classes block.
In the Find Classes tab, fill in whatever fields you know (e.g., Subject, Campus, Schedule Type) and then click on the Advanced Search link at the bottom.
In the Part of Term field, select Last Half of Term.
Click Search. This should show you classes that are offered in the last half of the term.
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