Class Schedule Abbreviations

Course Prefixes are the 2 and 3 letter abbreviations that precede the course number. Each prefix stands for an academic subject or department. Not all prefixes are obvious or intuitive. For example, the prefix for App State's First Year Seminar course is UCO. UCO stands for University College. Use this list of course prefixes to help you decipher the class schedule. NOTE: Pay very careful attention to a course's prefix, number, and title! ENG 2050 is not the same as ENG 2010, even though both are British literature classes. MAT 1001 is not the same as MAT 1010, even though the numbers are very similar. 

Make a note of the course location when planning your schedule.  Use this list of building abbreviations and interactive campus map to see where buildings are located.  You can get to most classes in 10-15 minutes, but not all!